
Energizer EFB

Price From

HK$1190 - HK$1580

All prices include fitting and installation
Energizer EFB Detail and Features
All Items
60 AH20LKorea勁量 M42 / 60B20L EFB 免水1,190
55 AH24LKorea勁量 N55 / 80B24L EFB 免水1,250
55 AH24RKorea勁量 N55(R) / 80B24R EFB 免水1,250
70 AH23LKorea勁量 Q85 / 115D23L EFB 免水1,350
70 AH23RKorea勁量 Q85(R) / 115D23R EFB 免水1,350
80 AH26LKorea勁量 S95 / 130D26L EFB 免水1,580
out of stock
80 AH26RKorea勁量 S95(R) / 130D26R EFB 免水1,580
90 AH31LKorea勁量 T-110 / 145D31L EFB 免水1,580
90 AH31RKorea勁量 T-110R / 145D31R EFB 免水1,580
60 AHLN2Korea勁量 LN2 EFB / EFB60 免水1,380
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